(1938-). Alemana. Mineralogista
Nacio el 1 de enero de 1938, hija del zoólogo Hermann Wurmbach. Trabajó en el Instituto de Mineralogía de la Universidad de Ruhr, en Bochum (Alemania).
Entre sus obras como autora o coautora tenemos:
• Local relaxation around [6]Cr3+ in synthetic pyrope–knorringite garnets, [8]Mg3[6](Al1−X CrX3+)2[4]Si3O12, from electronic absorption spectra
• The crystal chemistry of (Mn3+, Fe3+)-substituted andalusites (viridines and kanonaite), (Al1-x-yMnx3+Fe3+y )2 (O|SiO4): crystal structure refinements, Mössbauer, and polarized optical absorption…
• The Mn-Al-Si-O system; an experimental study of phase relations applied to parageneses in manganese-rich ores and rocks
• Structure of the catalytic sites in Fe/N/C-catalysts for O2-reduction in PEM fuel cells.
• Nature of the Catalytic Centers of Porphyrin-Based Electrocatalysts for the ORR: A Correlation of Kinetic Current Density with the Site Density of Fe−N4 Centers
• Unveiling N-protonation and anion-binding effects on Fe/N/C-catalysts for O2 reduction in PEM fuel cells.
• Synthetic and natural Fe-Mg chloritoid structural, spectroscopic and thermodynamic studies
• Influence of the Electron-Density of FeN4-Centers Towards the Catalytic Activity of Pyrolyzed FeTMPPCl-Based ORR-Electrocatalysts
• On the Influence of Sulphur on the Pyrolysis Process of FeTMPP-Cl-based Electro- Catalysts with Respect to Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) in Acidic Media
• Heterogeneous Nucleation of Superparamagnetic Phases in “Fe-Bearing Cordierite-Glasses
Descubridora del mineral al que puso su nombre “ Abswurmbachita
Autor: José Luis Zamora Rubio